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Comparing Independents v Banks - is size important?

Factorscan asked whether the choice of topic for his presentation was influenced by the differences he has seen between the two organisations since this recent change of roles and if so what were the key differences. 


'It has been very interesting to see the differences between the two organisations.  In my presentation though, I’ll be making a more general comparison on strategic approaches at the banks and the independents. In particular I’ll be sharing my opinions on the most efficient procedures utilised in both models.  

It’s generally accepted that independents have the ability to be more flexible with funding arrangements than the banks can be. Independents can be more agile in terms of business change and product innovation as they are generally smaller and may have less bureaucratic processes. Inevitably, the banks are restricted by regulation, which is of course a challenge the independents don’t face in most parts of the world. However, the banks have undoubted economies of scale and usually access to large pools of people resources, knowledge (IT/process etc) and funding! 

In the end though, both have the ultimate goal of meeting ever-changing market needs and delivering a differentiating product and service mix. I’ll be discussing some examples of what I see as market-leading activities right now'. 

You will be talking at the conference about the future for independent players and their ability to compete going forward. Surely this is one occasion where size really is important? 

 'It’s fair to say that size can sometimes offer advantage, but as I mentioned earlier, independents have more scope for agility and I see this as the single most crucial quality for ensuring competitive advantage within the ongoing uncertainties of the global economic environment'. 

Given his background and experience, Simon is able to speak with real life understanding of his subject and whether you work for an independent or bank owned business you will surely benefit from sharing in Simon’s knowledge of strategies applied by both these sectors.  

To attend the conference, please click on the links below. 

RFIx 2012 Conference is COMING SOON

22-23 March 2012, Amsterdam, Marriott Hotel 

To view the Conference programme please click here

To register for the Conference please click here.


Source: Factorscan

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