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Receivables Finance International 2013 Istanbul 19-20 March.


The move to a convention structure reflects the growing global interest and demand for trade receivables based finance solutions. The RFIx Convention brings together many more senior level receivables finance industry strategists to experience high level strategic presentations, networking and discussion on the current state of the receivables finance industry and methodologies that can be employed to move the sector forward to the ‘next level’.  

Events of the crisis and downturn have accelerated and continue to drive a growing trend towards greater efficiency in the utilisation of excess working capital. The challenge for today’s forward thinking receivables financiers is how to exploit the changes that are happening in the corporate world, and how best to take advantage of the huge increase in demand for receivables financing that is on the horizon. That means learning about the new methods of freeing up cash tied up in working capital, targeting new market sectors and developing new technologies. This is the focus of RFIx 2013 Convention in Istanbul. 

For more information, visit the convention website.  

Register now


Source: Factorscan

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