Russia - A Market Well Worth Pursuing.
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Financial company «POLITEKS» was established in 2003. They offer factoring services. OJSC «B&N BANK», universal Russian bank from TOP-50 Russian banks, is a strategic partner of the company. FC «POLITEKS» is a member of international factoring association International Factors Group and the Federation of Factoring Companies.
Our mission is to develop trading capital financing for companies in Russia and CIS by providing factoring services according to the high global quality standards.
In May 2012 rating agency Expert RA ranked FC «POLITEKS» as the best factoring start-up of the year 2012. In 2013 «Expert RA» named FC «POLITEKS» the most fast-growing, innovative and technological factor on Russian market basing on the 2012 year results. «Financial Elite of Russia» awarded FC "POLITEKS" for the «Dynamics of Development» among Russian factors.
Membership on the International Factors Group gives our company opportunity to finance export and import deals from Russia to many countries all over the world.
Financial Company POLITEKS, 109004, Moscow, Bolshoy Drovyanoy per.6, Russia, Tel: +7 (495) 748-50-50, Fax: +7 (495) 748-02-02,
Vladimir Yemelyanov, General Director,
Ilya Pokamestov, Director of Business Development,
With Assistance of
LLC «Smart» is a consulting and IT company with a team of specialists involved in establishing the Russian factoring market since the early days. Our factoring experience stretches over more than 17 years.
We offer the following services in Russia and CIS countries:
– Implementation and support of System of factoring operations accounting «SmartFactor»
– Factoring consulting services
System of factoring operations accounting «SmartFactor» is the most used factoring software in Russia and CIS. Our main partner in CIS countries is RaiffeisenBank Group.
Smart Factor, Marshala Sokolovskogo, 3, 123060 Moscow, Russia, Tel: +7 (926) 900 09 60,
Vladislav Belitskiy, Director,
Source: Factorscan