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12th Receivables Finance International factoring and supply chain finance conference and exhibition.


Conference highlights include:

• Jan Berent Heukensfeldt Jansen, CEO IFN Finance B.V., Chairman of FAAN on ‘adapting your business to the key post crisis receivables fi nance trends’
• Panos Papatheodoro, Managing Director/CEO, Marfi n Factors & Forfaiters SA on ‘recovering from Greek travails’
• Katalin Somogyi, Head of Trade Finance Department, Corporate Division, Global Transaction Banking, Unicredit on ‘expanding the Hungarian factoring market’
• Paul DeDomenico, Vice President, Head of Global Corporate Receivables Programs, NYSE Euronext on ‘profi ting from receivables commoditisation’
• Philippe Lepoutre, CEO, CGA - Compagnie G?n?rale d’Affacturage on ‘building financial bridges across the supply chain’
• Marco Gardini, Consultant, McKinsey, Rome on ‘decentralising control and empowering local representation to increase understanding of customer need’

Who should attend:

Decision makers from factoring companies, supply chain fi nance provider, asset based lenders, trade fi nance banks and companies, invoice discounters, credit insurers accounting and consulting fi rms, corporate treasurers, corporate advisors, brokers and law firms.


Date: March 22-23, 2012

Welcome drinks reception sponsored by HPD Software Wednesday, March 21, 2012 at 18:30.

Amsterdam Marriott Hotel, Stadhouderskade 12, 1054 ES AMSTERDAM, The Netherlands


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15% Early Bird Discount:

Book before January 18, 2012 and get ?165 off the full delegate ticket price of ?1100.

Exhibition, Sponsorship and Package Deals:

Every year RFIx brings together more then 100 senior executives from factoring companies and trade banks. The event provides an excellent opportunity to update the international receivables fi nance community on recent developments in your products and services. To strengthen your clients relations invite them to Amsterdam to take part in the most important industry event of the year. To fi nd out about more how we can help you to reach your target group please contact Michael Bickers at mb@bcrpub.co.uk or phone: +44 (0)20 8466 6987.

For discounts on group ticket purchases please contact BCR Publishing at info@bcrpub.co.uk, phone: +44 (0)20 8466 6987.


BCR Publishing was founded in 1992 to produce high quality in-depth industry reports and is acknowledged as the leading provider of factoring market information in the world. You may know us better for our www.factorscan.com, factoring news and analysis web site, as well as the World Factoring Yearbook, World Supply Chain Finance Yearbook.

March 21

18:30 - 20:30 Welcome Reception, sponsored by HPD Software

RFix day 1 - March 22

09.00 - 09.15 Conference Opening Remarks:
Michael Bickers, Managing Director, BCR Publishing Ltd. UK

09.15 - 09.30 Chairman’s introduction:
Paul DeDomenico, Vice President, Head of Global Corporate Receivables
Programs, NYSE Euronext

09.30 - 09.45 Keynote: Making the most of the current situation
• How have international factors adapted to thecurrent economic climate?
• Which economic developments had the most negative effect on international factoring?
• Which receivables fi nance markets proved to be the most resilient to the financial crisis and why?
• What new rules and tools do international factors need to address the changes in the international trade environment?
Jeroen Kohnstam, Sectretary General, FCI, The Netherlands

09.45 - 10.15 Key post crisis receivables finance trends: current industry trends, observations and concerns
• Understanding the changes in the risk appetite of fi nance providers: which markets and client groups are receivables fi nanciers re-orientating for
lower risk?
• Focusing on risk management: at what point does due-diligence cease to be cost effective?
• Where is the cost of funds heading: comparing funding options and costs of refi nancing for independent and bank-owned factors?
• Meeting local corporate needs by expanding factors’ balance sheets: how much more can balance sheets could be expanded to meet the demand in
receivables financing and risk mitigation

• Examining the role of non-bank fi nancial intermediaries
• Alarm bells or shining lights for the future? Forecasting the main trends in receivables fi nance in 2012.
Jan Berent Heukensfeldt Jansen, CEO IFN Finance B.V., Chairman of the Factoring and Asset based finance Association The Netherlands (FAAN)

10.15 - 10.45 Examining roadmap for navigating in the changed risk environment
• Analysing a new country-risk map: combining structural approach and short-term vulnerability assements in the organisation’s risk management
• Extension of global supply chains: predictable and unpredictable risks
• Considering systematic fi nancial risks, in the view of higher interdependency of global economies
• Ways of strengthening company’s risk management
Speaker TBA

10.45 - 11:15 Morning Refreshments

11.15 - 11.45 Decentralising control and empowering local representation to increase understanding of customer needs
• Increasing sales by attuning to local customer needs
• Implementing change by focusing on the most infl uential employees
• Ensuring key staff have the skills required to bring about change
Marco Gardini, Consultant, McKinsey, Rome

11:45 - 12:15 Greece: What Happens Next?
• Update on Greek economic situation
• What are the implications of the economic travails on the receivables fi nance industry?
• Government countercyclical measures and their effect on receivables finance
• The path from crisis to recovery: Outlook on Greek receivables finance development
Panos Papatheodoro, Managing Director/ CEO, tors & Forfaiters SA, Greece

12:15 - 12:45 Exploring the opportunities of the Croatian factoring market
• Achieving higher margins: is receivables finance in CEE countries more profi table then in Western Europe?
• Assessing the ripple effect of the world crisis: local market reaction to the deterioration of client credit quality
• Managing risks in a shock prone economy: what receivables financiers need to be aware of when operating in Croatia?
• Legislative issues: in the absence of capital adequacy requirements, is the risk that market players can go bust at any time high? What to consider when choosing a factoring partner in Croatia?
• Creating market conditions for further expansion: what are the main constraints for factoring market development? What milestones do Croatian factors have to reach to ensure continuous market growth?
Toma ?iprak, International Manager, Prvi Faktor d.o.o. Croatia

12:45 - 13:15 Factoring in Hungary: Feast or Famine
• Indentifying the affect of the Eurozone crisis on the Hungarian financial market: domination of foreign-owned banks in Hungary
• Implications of tougher government fi scal measures for the receivables fi nance market
• How is the corporate client base changing due to crisis measures in Hungary?
• Increasing profi tability of receivables fi nance during crisis times?
• Why some receivables finance products are popular than others in Hungary?
Katalin Somogyi, Head of Trade Finance Department, Corporate Division, Global Transaction Banking , Unicredit

Bal?z s R?ner, Head of Factoring, UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt

13:15 - 14:15 Lunch

14:15 - 14.45 Establishing a factoring business in Russia?
• Avoiding the pitfalls
• Choosing the optimum suite of services
• Making your operation profi table by derstanding the unique environment for receivables fi nance in Russia
Ilya Pokamestov, Director of Business Development, Factoring Company Politeks, Russia

14.45 - 15.15 Panel Session: Central and Eastern Europe - Forgotten markets or a safe hub for factors?
Panos Papatheodoro, Managing Director/CEO, Marfi n Factors & Forfaiters SA, Greece
Bal?zs R?ner, Head of Factoring, UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt
Ilya Pokamestov, Director of business development, Factoring Company Politeks, Russia

15.15 - 15:45 Afternoon refreshments

15:45 - 16:15 Champagne Roundtable Informal Discussion Groups
• Challenges and rewards of engaging employees in organisation-wide transformation
• Succeeding in Supply Chain Finance
• Adapting to a new risk environment
• Evolution of the receivable as an asset-class

16:15 End of day one.

RFix day 2 - March 23

09.15 - 09.30 Chairman’s introduction

09.30 - 10.00 The evolving asset class of accounts receivable
– the impacts and opportunities for receivables finance
• Trading on a mass scale: will trade receivables attain commodity status and the impact that this might have on the commercial credit market?
• Growing business: Understanding market dynamics of a trade receivables exchange (historical volumes)
• Risk based assets: which aspects (delays, defaults, fraud) work counter to the concept of receivables as a commodity and how to overcome them
• Building new business-to-business infrastructures: the role of rating agencies, stock exchanges and other industry participants in creating a top-notch receivables exchange
• Moving down an evolutionary path: which innovations and technologies could put receivables commoditisation in front of the trade credit community?
Paul DeDomenico, Vice President, Head of Global Corporate Receivables Programs, NYSE Euronext

10.00 - 10:30 Comparing development strategies of bank owned and independent factors
• Similar goals but different approaches - what business procedures are more effi cient in independent factors then in banks and visa versa
• Where do banks have a strategic advantage and where do independents – a personal view
• What is the future for independent players within an increasingly price sensitive market?
• Can independents compete if markets are demanding complete price transparency and simpler and less onerous contracts

Simon Featherstone, Global Chief Executive, Bibby Financial Services Limited

10.30 - 11:00 Speaker TBA

11:00 - 11:30 Morning Refreshments

11.30 - 12.00 Building fi nancial bridges across the supply chain
• Can factors offer a comprehensive SCF solution or is it a business only for trade banks?
• Where along the supply chain are banks and factors most willing to fi nance and why?
• What are the main roadblocks to better collaboration between the financier, client and its suppliers?
• How aware are suppliers of interest rate benefi ts? Are banks pushing the product enough?
• Possible implications of Basel III regulation for the SCF market
• What is the growth potential for SCF in 2012?
Philippe Lepoutre, CEO, CGA - Compagnie G?n?rale d’Affacturage, France

12:00 - 12:30 Understanding best practice in supply chain financing: how to make your SCF offering succeed?
• What are the key patterns of demand for SCF in the world. What are the main regions for cross-border SCF programmes and why?
• What elements should a comprehensive SCF solution include?
• Finding the most effi cient ways to on-board suppliers: What are the challenges when creating solutions for cross-border suppliers?
• Marketing SCF solutions: what are the main selling points of the SCF proposition?
• Multi-bank cross border SCF programmes: what synergies come into play in integrating two or more SCF providers into one programme and what are
the opportunities for the development of multi-bank SCF offerings.
• Will growth in SCF meet expectations?
Mark Dedry, Sales & Marketing Dircetor, Eurofactor, Benelux

13:00 - 14:00 Lunch

14:00 - 14:30 Formulating new strategies for new climates: reviewing your strategy for successful international business development in the current environment
• Lessons learned: what has changed in the way clients conduct their international business in the current economic environment and how should receivables fi nanciers respond?
• What new working capital fi nance structures are evolving to adapt to new corporate and SME cross-border needs, but also post Lehman banking constraints?
• Identifying the essence and core components needed to implement strategic change in receivables cross border fi nancing: choosing the right direction for success and avoiding failure.
Speaker TBA

14:30 - 14:45 Prize Draw & Conference Closing Remarks:
Michael Bickers, Managing Director, BCR Publishing Ltd. UK

End of Conference.

Speakers day 1:

Jeroen Kohnstamm, Secretary General, Factors Chain International, The Netherlands
Jeroen is Secretary General of Factors Chain International. He travels extensively to coordinate the worldwide activities of FCI and to expand the geographical coverage of the group. As an industry specialist, Jeroen has assisted numerous governments in evaluating and introducing the factoring concept, for both domestic and international trade. Jeroen worked for several years in Canada in the Bank of Montreal’s International Division before returning to Holland in 1972 to join Factors Chain International

Jan Berent Heukensfeldt Jansen, CEO IFN Finance B.V., Chairman  of Factoring and Asset Based Finance Association the Netherlands (FAAN)
Jan Berent has been heading IFN Finance International, since January 2007. Due to the takeover of ABN AMRO, it was decided that the Du tch entity would be sold. Today IFN Finance is a subsidiary of Deutsche Bank. Jan Berent spent 19 years of his professional carrier in the insurance business of Nationale-Nederlanden, of which four years was in Japan. As CEO of ABN AMRO insurances he transformed the organisation into a joint venture with Delta Lloyd. Being excited about the importance and unique proposition of factoring and ABF, Jan Berent initiated the founding of the country’s industry association, which he has chaired since its inception.

Marco Gardini, Engagement Manager, McKinsey & Company, Milan, Italy
Marco has been at McKinsey & Company since 2004, where he started as a business analyst. In his recent position as Engagement Manager he has undertaken a number of consulting projects including: an activity value analysis programme for a major Italian bank; organizational redesign and cost effi ciency programme for a major European company (focus on Spain and Italy); and a lean transformation and performance management program for a commercial bank in Latin America. He holds an International MBA degree from Instituto de Empresa, Madrid.

Panos Papatheodorou, Member of the Executive Committee of Factors Chain International, CEO and Managing Director of Marfi n Factors & Forfaiters, Greece
Panos has vast banking and fi nance related experience over 32 years. In 1995, he started his career in Factoring, as a member of the founding team of
Ethnofact (a subsidiary of National Bank of Greece), as Marketing Manager. In 1999, he undertook the project to set up EFG Factors and managed the company as CEO. In 2002, he organized the fi rst ever Forfaiting team within the Greek fi nancial market and in 2004 started a factoring operation which became the full service branch of EFG Factors in Bulgaria. Between 2004-2006 he worked together with IFC/World Bank (under their project SEED) for the formation of factoring legislation and promotion of the product in the West Balkans markets. In 2007, together with a team of colleagues from EFG Factors he accepted the challenge to develop Factoring and Forfaiting products for the Marfi n Group, setting up Marfi n Factors & Forfaiters (MFF).

Toma ?iprak, Sales Manager, International Factoring, Prvi Faktor Zagreb, Croatia
Toma joined Prvi Faktor in 2007. He is in charge of the international factoring department as well as educational activities, including training in the fi eld of international factoring. Toma holds a bachelor of science economics degree from the American College of Management and Technology.

Katalin Somogyi, Head of Trade & STEF Department, Unicredit Bank Hungary, Hungary
Katalin has been heading the Trade & STEF Financing Department at UniCredit Hungary Corporate Global Transaction Banking Division since July 2008. Katalin built up this special lending department from start up. Today this unit operates within a network of similar entities in 22 countries of the Unicredit Group subsidiaries, offering the same special lending products in each country. Before joining Unicredit Katalin was Head of the Hungarian Trade Commission in Berlin for fi ve years.

Bal?zs R?ner, Head of Factoring, UniCredit Bank Zrt, Hungary
Bal?zs R?ner, has been head of Factoring at UniCredit Bank Zrt since 2010. Before taking this position he was head of sales with one of the biggest Hungarian factors, Magyar Factor Zrt. From 2002-2006 Bal?zs worked as a regional representative of Hermes Kreditversicherungs AG (Allianz Group), where he was responsible for business development in North-West Hungary. Bal?zs R?ner graduated from Budapest Business School and is a certifi ed
insurance broker.

Ilya Pokamestov, Director of Business Development, Factoring Company Politeks, Russia
Ilya Pokamestov has over 12 years experience in factoring. He worked as Head of Regional Development, Member of the Board and Deputy Chairman of the Board at National Factoring Company Uralsib-Nikoil, where he took part in building the company’s regional network. After this he launched and developed the factoring operation of BSGV (the Russian subsidiary of the SG group). In 2007 he worked on the development of factoring business  in one of the largest Russian banks VTB (Vneshtorgbank). Ilya has also started the FACTORing PRO (www.factoringpro.ru) web site, which provides informational, educational and consulting services in the area of factoring, debt management and credit insurance in Russia and the CIS region. Since 2011, Mr. Pokamestov has been in charge of business development at Politeks, a new Russian factoring company.

Speakers day 2:

Paul DeDomenico, Vice President, Head of Global Corporate Receivables Programs NYSE Euronext, USA
As Head of Global Corporate Receivables Programs for NYSE Euronext, Paul is responsible for the fi rm’s corporate receivables strategy and development
plans to help public companies and large private companies access effi cient and cost competitive short term funding. Paul has an extensive 23 year background in corporate fi nance, including over 15 years in global accounts receivable fi nancing and asset backed lending. Paul joined NYSE Euronext in September 2011 from GE Capital where he was most recently CEO of its Working Capital Solutions business, which he built from start up phase to US $10 billion of assets. He previously led GE Capital’s European factoring business from 2000 to 2004.

Simon Featherstone, Global CEO, Bibby Financial Services, UK
Simon replaced David Robertson as global chief executive following his retirement at the end of 2011. Before joining Bibby, Simon was Managing Director of Lloyds TSB Commercial Finance from 2008. In this role Simon, headed up a team of 1100 across the UK, USA and Europe. Among his many achievements he maintained income growth during the recession, reduced costs, contained bad debts and achieved record profi tability.

Mark Dedry, Sales & Marketing Dircetor, Eurofactor, Benelux
Mark has thirteen years of fi nance and management with proven track record in developing profi table sales and building sound relationship with strategic clients at C level. He has vast experience in Factoring, Invoice Discounting, Reverse factoring and Assets Base Lending. He works at Eurofactor as a Member of Executive Comitee with responsabilities in Clients, Sales & Marketing. Before joining Eurofactor in 2006, he was resposible of large accounts in automotive (Fiat Auto, Kia Motors, Ducati, Daihatsu, ...) in Record Bank (Group ING).

Philippe Lepoutre, CEO, CGA (Compagnie G?n?rale d’Affacturage), France
Philippe Lepoutre joined CGA – Compagnie G?n?rale d’Affacturage (Soci?t? G?n?rale Group) - in 1995 as IT Systems Director. In July 2001, he became
Deputy Chief Executive Offi cer before accessing to the function of CEO in 2007. Philippe Lepoutre is also President of the Factoring Commission of ASF (French Association of Financial Compagnies). Philippe has graduated from HEC Paris.


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Source: bcrpub.co.uk

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