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FCI Regional Director CEE,SEE&ME Betül Kurtulus attends XI international Practical Conference in Russia


On 5 December 2019, the XI International Practical Conference "Factoring and receivables management" was held at the Azimut Smolenskaya hotel in Moscow. The conference was opened with an exclusive report of the Regional Director of FCI, Ms. Betül Kurtulus. In her speech, which set the tone for the entire conference, many topics were touched upon, including Islamic factoring, FCI educational programs, and the prospects of factoring in the countries of the African and Asian continents.

Some words from the event:

Alexander Karelin, CEO of Invoice Market LLC, developed the theme of innovations in factoring.

Ilya Pokamestov, CEO of Factoring PRO, concerning the conference: "there are not so many players in the financial market offering factoring services. But, despite this, every year, we manage to find new topics for discussion and invite experts who reveal aspects of factoring from an interesting and unexpected side. So, it is the second time, when a representative of the tax authorities comes to us with a report."

Alexey Volnov, managing Director of leasing and factoring Department of Bank St. Petersburg: "Thank you for inviting me and for the opportunity to communicate with colleagues. I got an interesting idea for a deeper study – factoring of lease payments."

Mikhail Okunev, CEO of I-F Consulting (electronic platform light-version.com). " Great event. Unlike many other conferences, Ilya Pokamestov can combine in one event a warm partner atmosphere, a comprehensive view of the industry, the representation of different trends in factoring, and always the presence of many representatives of related industries. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to be on the edge of market development and financial products."

Reference: https://fci.nl/en/news/

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